
Esmee de Korver

Esmee received her Bsc and Msc in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry at the TU/e. In her master, she specialized in molecular chemistry and material sciences. As master student, she joined the group of Bert Meijer, synthesizing and analyzing trifunctional BTA molecules which assemble into supramolecular polymers, to elucidate the role of multivalency in cellular environments. She finished her studies by joining the pharmaceutical company Novartis in Basel (Switzerland), working on small molecule synthesis and analysis in the drug discovery labs. Currently, she works as a PhD student in the Dankerslab research group under the guidance of prof. Patricia Y. W. Dankers. In her research, she aims to synthesize and assemble synthetic ECM materials based on a combination of covalent and supramolecular interactions. These ECM materials will be investigated in cellular environments and are designed to show dynamic reciprocity.
