
Laura Rijns

Laura received her BSc Medical Sciences and Technology in 2017 at TU/e. During this period, she was the lab captain of the iGEM TU/e 2016 team and participated in a summer internship at UC Santa Barbara in biophysics. She received her MSc in Biomedical Engineering in 2019 at TU/e with her graduation thesis in the group of prof. Bert Meijer, where she synthesized and studied the behavior of charged supramolecular assemblies. She completed her master’s program with a final internship at EPFL (Switzerland) in the programmable biomaterials laboratory of prof. Maartje Bastings, combining DNA origami and multivalency. Currently, Laura is a PhD student under guidance of prof. Patricia Dankers and prof. Bert Meijer, focused on supramolecular biomaterials to better understand the kidney cell – material interface.
