Biomaterials Platform
The Eindhoven Biomaterials Platform (BP/e) offers (external) partners the possibility to profit from the excellent infrastructure present at Eindhoven University of Technology. The expertise of the BP/e lies in the design and synthesis of biomaterial solutions on a scale that allows for accelerated development of biomaterial based strategies.
For more information, please contact us, or jump to the custom synthesis roadmap, or research and application examples.
8. | Tom Lavrijsen, Anandkumar Nandakumar, Martijn A.J. Cox, Frank P.T. Baaijens, Carlijn V.C. Bouten, Anton W. Bosman, Tristan Mes, Patricia Y.W. Dankers, Implant, Patent number: US2018153717-A1 |
7. | Patricia Y.W. Dankers, Björne B. Mollet, Samaneh Kheyrrooz, Bastiaan D. Ippel, Henk M. Keizer, Geert C. van Almen, Frank P.T. Baaijens, Supramolecular polymer blend, Patent number: US201801502-A1 |
6. | Patricia Y.W. Dankers, Lorenzo Albertazzi, Maarten H. Bakker, Ureidopyrimidone supramolecular complexes for compound delivery into cells, Patent number: US2017233745-A1 |
5. | Olga J.G.M. Goor, Patricia Y.W. Dankers, Henk M. Keizer, Henk M. Janssen, Post-functionalization of supramolecular materials, Patent number: WO2017194786-A1 |
4. | Bart Sanders, Maria Sol Cabrera, Frank P.T. Baaijens, Patricia Y.W. Dankers, Fibrous tubular conduit for stenting applications, Patent number: WO2017118755-A1 |
3. | Patricia Y.W. Dankers, Gaby M.L. van Gemert, Henk M. Janssen, E.W. Meijer, Anton W. Bosman, Modular bioresorable or biomedical, biologically active supramolecular materials, Patent number: US2016228229-A1 |
2. | Mingyu Guo, Hans M. Wyss, Patricia Y.W. Dankers, E.W. Meijer, Hydrogelator with shape-memory properties, Patent number: WO2012168392-A1 |
1. | Patricia Y.W. Dankers, Gaby M.L. van Gemert, Henk M. Janssen, E.W. Meijer, Anton W. Bosman, Modular supramolecular materials for biomedical uses, Patent number: WO2007058539-A2 |