

Biomaterials Platform

The Eindhoven Biomaterials Platform (BP/e) offers (external) partners the possibility to profit from the excellent infrastructure present at Eindhoven University of Technology. The expertise of the BP/e lies in the design and synthesis of biomaterial solutions on a scale that allows for accelerated development of biomaterial based strategies.

For more information, please contact us, or jump to the custom synthesis roadmap, or research and application examples.



8. Tom Lavrijsen, Anandkumar Nandakumar, Martijn A.J. Cox, Frank P.T. Baaijens, Carlijn V.C. Bouten, Anton W. Bosman, Tristan Mes, Patricia Y.W. Dankers, Implant, Patent number: US2018153717-A1
7. Patricia Y.W. Dankers, Björne B. Mollet, Samaneh Kheyrrooz, Bastiaan D. Ippel, Henk M. Keizer, Geert C. van Almen, Frank P.T. Baaijens, Supramolecular polymer blend, Patent number: US201801502-A1
6. Patricia Y.W. Dankers, Lorenzo Albertazzi, Maarten H. Bakker, Ureidopyrimidone supramolecular complexes for compound delivery into cells, Patent number: US2017233745-A1
5. Olga J.G.M. Goor, Patricia Y.W. Dankers, Henk M. Keizer, Henk M. Janssen, Post-functionalization of supramolecular materials, Patent number: WO2017194786-A1
4. Bart Sanders, Maria Sol Cabrera, Frank P.T. Baaijens, Patricia Y.W. Dankers, Fibrous tubular conduit for stenting applications, Patent number: WO2017118755-A1
3. Patricia Y.W. Dankers, Gaby M.L. van Gemert, Henk M. Janssen, E.W. Meijer, Anton W. Bosman, Modular bioresorable or biomedical, biologically active supramolecular materials, Patent number: US2016228229-A1
2. Mingyu Guo, Hans M. Wyss, Patricia Y.W. Dankers, E.W. Meijer, Hydrogelator with shape-memory properties, Patent number: WO2012168392-A1
1. Patricia Y.W. Dankers, Gaby M.L. van Gemert, Henk M. Janssen, E.W. Meijer, Anton W. Bosman, Modular supramolecular materials for biomedical uses, Patent number: WO2007058539-A2